Parents are now writing a parents bill of rights in some schools to control what their children are being taught, when honestly, they know nothing about what they are being taught. It is all hearsay.
I know at one time, we had several students in school who were transgender. No problem. The administration wanted teachers to be aware that this was happening and to make sure people were sensitive to those persons needs. Now... no more. We are going to ignore those students needs and pretend this is not a reality.
Teachers, in general, set aside a group of books for their classes depending on what the curriculum is about. The librarian scans or reads all the books that come into the library. Our particular librarian is 60+. Just because some books are out there, doesn't mean teachers or the librarian are going to recommend them or even mention them. As a matter of fact, parents should be much more wary of social media which is where kids are getting their ideas from these days.
Also, parents, scholars, and people in general are putting their own hang-ups on top of books' messages these days. Unless it is overt, students really don't pick up on things. Here's an example I could be crucified for. When I grew up, Little Black Sambo was one of my favorite books. I loved that book. I knew nothing about black or white. I loved that the tigers ran around the tree so fast that they turned to butter. Personally, I'm still not sure why it was banned. It's a good story, different culture and Little Black Sambo was a hero in my opinion. Now I haven't read the story in many, many years. Maybe I missed something but I don't think so. The book is for 5-year-old's. They are not looking for the "deeper" meaning, if there is one. This is also the reason at age 5 or 6 or whatever, we don't need to teach gender orientation. Students aren't there yet. Kids aren't thinking like that or maybe it is just normal to want to be the opposite sex sometimes. Not everything is blue and pink. Sometimes green and yellow are appealing too and that is normal, I believe.
Likewise, I read a middle school book about a girl who had dyscalculia which is an inability to understand numbers. It was written as a diary by a teenage author. I had such a better sense of the devastation a student felt after reading that book when nothing adds up or makes sense in math. Everyone should read books and learn to empathize.
Parents are trying to shut down learning about new things that are part of the world now. It would be like learning sex from the streets and getting pregnant cause no one taught you anything about puberty. Sex education is not a sex course. It is learning about your body and feelings and dangers and even rape and pregnancy before it happens. It is the same with drug and alcohol abuse. We are not pushing these things. We are educating students about these things.
Again, parents have personal choices. If they don't like what the school is teaching, they can homeschool or send their children to a religious school. When everything feels out of your control, you just have to let go and let God. (Good Orderly Direction)